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TESTIMONIALS: Testimonials

A shining example of hope for the downtrodden through the journey of an unforgettable protagonist.

From the first chapter on, I was captivated by the spirit of the protagonist, young Martha Smith. Her struggles put forth in a clear and emotionally moving way, I couldn't help but cheer for the character's inimitable strength, intelligence, and capacity to love. I bought the remaining two books of the trilogy because I can't wait to read more of Martha's journey given to us through the talented mind of Sylvia Mitchell.

I simply can't stop reading about Martha Smith Okafor's Journey!

After reading, "Pink Friday", I quickly read "Lavender", the second installment of Sylvia D. Mitchell's trilogy about Martha Smith and her world. I'm on to "Silver Salvation". I must know how Martha Smith's journey ends. I see a mini-series in this trilogy. Ms. Mitchell is an engrossing storyteller.

Margo Singagliese


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